Proteggiamo l’intestino dei nostri piccoli
I nostri bambini riscontrano nuove malattie rispetto a quelle di una volta, a fronte di malattie che fortunatamente sono state debellate o fortemente ridotte. Conosciamo da vicino quali sono e a cosa fare attenzione per poterle prevenire.
1. E. Burgio: Sanità 24 ore-Ottobre 2015. ECERI – European Cancer and Environment Research Institute – Bruxelles
2. P. Murphy : “Origins: how the nine months before birth shape the rest of our lives”
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3. Begin before birth foundation: “Epigenetics: begin before birth: what happens in the womb can last a lifetime”.
4. K. Aagard 2014: “The placenta harbors a unique microbiome”. Sci Transl Med 2014 May 21,6(237):237ra65
5. R. Dietert, J. Dietert: “The completed self: an immunological view of the human microbiome superorganism and risk of chronic disease”. Entropy-2012.
6. G. Oikonomou et al: “Milk microbiota: what are we exactly talking about?”. Front. Microbiol, 2020; 11:60.
7. E. F. Robles et al :” Prebiotics and the modulation on the Microbiota-GALT-Brain -Axis”
8. T.Kawai et al: “Adipose tissue inflammation and metabolic disfunction in obesity”.
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2021.
9. De Theije et al, Eur. J. Pharmacology 2011 Sep; 668 Suppl 1: S70-80
10. F. Berrino: “Il cibo dell’uomo”-2015.

Dr.ssa Eleonora Lombardi Mistura