The Medicine that treats the cells gently
Over the past decade, the results of the Italian biotechnological research in the field of low dose Pharmacology have outlined new treatment options for many diseases and have attracted the attention of the scientific community on new, cutting-edge, effective medicaments without side effects, and a new medical paradigm: Low Dose Medicine.
Low Dose Medicine was born from the dream of a medicine centered on the Person and in harmony with Nature. It originated from the combination of Molecular Biology and Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology (PNEI). It was developed thanks to the results of research in the field of low dose Pharmacology.
Low Dose Medicine is based on three guiding principles:
- Treat the human being and not just the disease.
- Act on the causes and not just on the symptoms.
- Consider the human being as a mind-body unit and in her/his individuality.
This is an ancient and wise concept, which comes from the homeopathic tradition, but it is also very up-to-date.
From the second half of the Eighties, in fact, the development of the concepts expressed by the Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology resulted in a change of perspective in the interpretation of the biological functions of the human body and its diseases, shifting from organicism (each disease affects a single organ or tissue) to the cellular network, until recognizing the importance of continuous dialogue – cross talk – between cells, organs and systems both in physiological and pathological conditions (every disease is the result of a lack of communication between the cells of different Systems).
Starting from these assumptions, pharmacological research has been focusing on the role played by special biological molecules, thus paving the way for what could have been a new therapeutic solution, i.e., the use of the same organic molecules as medicaments to restore the original physiological conditions in a sick body.
This is our future. These special biological molecules are well known and studied by Molecular Biology, which defines them, not surprisingly, messenger molecules, i.e., substances that can the give “proper instructions” to the body cells to contribute to their good function…
These molecules are neuropeptides, hormones, and cytokines.
In addition to the above mentioned molecules there are also growth factors, basic molecules that regulate and stimulate tissues.
They are the “words” used by the cells to communicate with each other.
For many years, the use of these substances as medicaments has been the dream of scientists and physicians. No Medicine can be more effective than a Medicine that uses physiological substances, i.e., those substances involved in bodily functions. No Medicine can be more “organic” and safe than a Medicine that follows the rules of nature.
Nevertheless, the rules of Nature are very strict: the messenger molecules, through which the cells exchange information so as to make any biological mechanism perfectly efficient, act properly if their concentration is physiological, and yet this concentration is very low.
The pharmaceutical technology developed and standardized in Guna Laboratories, called SKA (Sequential Kinetic Activation) has made it possible to “duplicate” this specific concentration and incorporate the molecules that guide our body’s vital functions into medicaments. These molecules are able to restore the body’s physiological conditions and can “repair” damage.
In a few words: they can cure.