About Us

Who We Are: A Pharmaceutical Company
Guided by Ethical Principles
Founded in 1983, GUNA is the leading Italian producer and distributor of “low-dose” homeopathic medicines.
GUNA’s innovative range of high-quality drugs and medical devices is designed and developed in its pharmaceutical factory in Milan, Italy.
Opened in September 2008 to mark the company’s 25th anniversary, it is one of the most cutting-edge facilities in the industry.
Who we are
GUNA continues to develop its own branded products at the international level as well. In the United States it operates as GUNA Inc and they are present in over 40 countries with exclusive distributors.
In Italy, GUNA also distributes medicines and supplements on behalf of various leading European companies.
As well as its research, production, and marketing activities, GUNA takes part in many scientific and cultural initiatives for doctors and pharmacists. GUNA collaborates with the International Academy of Physiological Regulating Medicine and also partners directly with medical associations, pharmacy associations, and universities.
Since 1983, the Guna Editore has been publishing “La Medicina Biologica” (‘Biological Medicine’), an authoritative journal in the field of complementary medicine. The journal includes a series of wide-ranging pieces, often original, on clinical medicine, the history of medicine, and various other topics.
GUNA strives to spread scientific information and detailed content on low-dose medicine and physiological nutraceuticals via its website www.guna.it and portal for Health Professionals pro.guna.it. This is a space dedicated to ‘natural wellbeing’ – a health approach based on appropriate nutrition and a balanced lifestyle for us, the people we love, and our four-legged friends.
At GUNA, we have always sought to combat any form of monopoly on necessary goods, with a particular focus on the pharmaceutical industry. In this sector, patents remain the key instrument for protecting investments in scientific research to the point that the interests of companies often come before general publics’ health interests. In fact, we are a “NO PATENT” company, having opted not to protect our products with patents. In addition, all of our publications have a copyleft licence (they can be freely distributed without any need for prior authorization, upon citation of the source).
We are aware that the goal of a company is to do business, make a profit, and develop its activities, and it would be disingenuous of us to claim that we are any different. However, we believe that the quest for profit must work alongside the pursuit of ethical and social goals.
As a company, we invest in scientific research and technological innovation, but we also feel it is our responsibility to help improve the wellbeing of everyone by promoting a more informed approach to the concept of health and illness.
Additional information on GUNA’s social responsibility programmes is freely available on the portal dedicated to transparency and sharing: socialhub.guna.it
One of our main goals is to encourage individuals to achieve their ideal state of health, seeking to maintain the psychological, physical, and emotional balance of their bodies.
To this end, we are active on both the political and institutional level to guarantee the rightful recognition of the health approach based on low-dose medicine. We believe in giving doctors and patients complete freedom in their treatment choices.